oneinstack help


version: 1.7
updated date: 2018-04-20
Usage: ./  command ...[parameters]....
  --help, -h                  Show this help message, More:
  --version, -v               Show version info
  --nginx_option [1-3]        Install Nginx server version
  --apache_option [1-2]       Install Apache server version
  --php_option [1-7]          Install PHP version
  --phpcache_option [1-4]     Install PHP opcode cache, default: 1 opcache
  --php_extensions [ext name] Install PHP extension, include zendguardloader,ioncube,imagick,gmagick
  --tomcat_option [1-4]       Install Tomcat version
  --jdk_option [1-4]          Install JDK version
  --db_option [1-15]          Install DB version
  --dbinstallmethod [1-2]     DB install method, default: 1 binary install
  --dbrootpwd [password]      DB super password
  --pureftpd                  Install Pure-Ftpd
  --redis                     Install Redis
  --memcached                 Install Memcached
  --phpmyadmin                Install phpMyAdmin
  --hhvm                      Install HHVM
  --ssh_port [22]             SSH port, default: 22
  --iptables                  Enable iptables
  --reboot                    Restart the server after installation


Usage: ./ [ add | del | list | dnsapi ]
add      --->Add Virtualhost
del      --->Delete Virtualhost
list     --->List Virtualhost
dnsapi   --->Use dns API to automatically issue Let's Encrypt Cert


Usage: ./ [ web | db | php | redis | memcached | phpmyadmin | oneinstack | ]
web            --->Upgrade Nginx/Tengine/OpenResty/Apache
db             --->Upgrade MySQL/MariaDB/Percona
php            --->Upgrade PHP
redis          --->Upgrade Redis
memcached      --->Upgrade Memcached
phpmyadmin     --->Upgrade phpMyAdmin
oneinstack     --->Upgrade OneinStack        --->Upgrade


Usage: ./ [  all | web | mysql | postgresql | mongodb | php | hhvm | pureftpd | redis | memcached ]
all            --->Uninstall All
web            --->Uninstall Nginx/Tengine/Apache/Tomcat
mysql          --->Uninstall MySQL/MariaDB/Percona/AliSQL
postgresql     --->Uninstall PostgreSQL
mongodb        --->Uninstall MongoDB
php            --->Uninstall PHP
hhvm           --->Uninstall HHVM
pureftpd       --->Uninstall PureFtpd
redis          --->Uninstall Redis
memcached      --->Uninstall Memcached