发布日期: 2023-02-06
版本号: v1.10.1

此版本修复了若干漏洞并新增多项功能,主要包括:修正多架构镜像清单的架构标签;新增支持配置服务器监听超时时长的timeouts插件;acl插件新增丢弃查询功能;template插件支持创建含扩展DNS错误的响应;负载均衡模块新增加权策略;缓存模块新增保留原始记录TTL选项。贡献者包括Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre等开发者。关键变更涵盖:优化kubernetes插件对TXT查询返回NXDOMAIN错误、修复k8s_external插件无头服务返回码、修正dnstap插件多实例配置问题、调整edns插件对错误版本的处理逻辑、改进cache插件使用上游查询的DNSSEC选项刷新机制等。完整更新详情可查看GitHub版本对比记录。

更新内容 (中文)


  • 修正多架构镜像清单中的架构标签
  • 新增 timeouts 插件用于配置服务器监听器超时时长
  • acl 插件新增丢弃查询的响应动作
  • template 插件支持创建包含扩展 DNS 错误的响应
  • loadbalance 插件新增加权策略
  • 新增选项以从 cache 插件中返回原始记录的 TTL 值


Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre, Ben Kaplan, Chris O’Haver, Gabor Dozsa, Grant Spence, Kumiko as a Service, LAMRobinson, Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters, Ondřej Benkovský, Rich, Stephen Kitt, Yash Singh, Yong Tang, rsclarke, sanyo0714


完整变更日志: https://github.com/coredns/coredns/compare/v1.10.0...v1.10.1

更新内容 (原始)

This release fixes some bugs, and adds some new features including:

  • Corrected architecture labels in multi-arch image manifest
  • A new plugin timeouts that allows configuration of server listener timeout durations
  • acl can drop queries as an action
  • template supports creating responses with extended DNS errors
  • New weighted policy in loadbalance
  • Option to serve original record TTLs from cache

Brought to You By

Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre, Ben Kaplan, Chris O’Haver, Gabor Dozsa, Grant Spence, Kumiko as a Service, LAMRobinson, Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters, Ondřej Benkovský, Rich, Stephen Kitt, Yash Singh, Yong Tang, rsclarke, sanyo0714

Noteworthy Changes

Full Changelog: https://github.com/coredns/coredns/compare/v1.10.0...v1.10.1
