coredns v1.9.0 版本更新介绍
发布日期: 2022-02-09
版本号: v1.9.0
此版本为CoreDNS 1.9.0,包含错误修复和新功能。自该版本起,最低要求的Go语言版本升级至1.17,同时Kubernetes插件已移除对通配符查询的支持。主要更新包括:修复健康检查强制使用TCP协议的逻辑;Prometheus插件正确记录DNS响应码至指标;模板插件在CNAME查询响应截断时保持截断状态传递。此版本由Chris O’Haver、Ondřej Benkovský等开发者共同贡献完成。
更新内容 (中文)
这是一个包含错误修复和一些新功能发布的版本。从1.9.0开始 最低要求的Go版本将升级至1.17 _kubernetes_插件不再支持通配符查询
Chris O’Haver Ondřej Benkovský Tomas Hulata Yong Tang xuweiwei
- plugin/kubernetes: 移除通配符查询功能 (
- 健康检查现在遵守force_tcp参数 (
- plugin/prometheus: 正确将rcode写入指标 (
- plugin/template: 当CNAME查询响应被截断时保持截断状态传递至客户端 (
更新内容 (原始)
This is a release with bug fixes and some new features added. Starting with 1.9.0 the minimal required go version will be 1.17. Wildcard queries are no longer supported by the kubernetes plugin.
Brought to You By
Chris O’Haver, Ondřej Benkovský, Tomas Hulata, Yong Tang, xuweiwei
Noteworthy Changes
- plugin/kubernetes: remove wildcard query functionality (
- Health-checks should respect force_tcp (
- plugin/prometheus: Write rcode properly to the metrics (
- plugin/template: Persist truncated state to client if CNAME lookup response is truncated (
Full Changelog:
- coredns_1.9.0_darwin_amd64.tgz
- coredns_1.9.0_darwin_amd64.tgz.sha256
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_amd64.tgz
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_amd64.tgz.sha256
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_arm.tgz
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_arm.tgz.sha256
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_arm64.tgz
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_arm64.tgz.sha256
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_mips.tgz
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_mips.tgz.sha256
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_mips64le.tgz
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_mips64le.tgz.sha256
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_ppc64le.tgz
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_ppc64le.tgz.sha256
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_s390x.tgz
- coredns_1.9.0_linux_s390x.tgz.sha256
- coredns_1.9.0_windows_amd64.tgz
- coredns_1.9.0_windows_amd64.tgz.sha256