cryptomator 1.10.0 版本更新介绍
发布日期: 2023-09-11
版本号: 1.10.0
Cryptomator 1.10.0版本主要更新内容:新增专家设置支持在创建保险库时自定义缩短阈值,Linux系统通过AppIndicator实现托盘菜单功能,提供AArch64架构的AppImage构建,并增加更新提醒和错误解决方案指引界面。优化用户界面,将“添加保险库”改为下拉菜单,更新macOS应用图标。修复多项问题,包括Windows系统下驱动器占用错误提示、长文件名文件替换异常、Linux关闭延迟及主窗口位置重置逻辑。改进Windows系统设置存储路径和挂载流程,支持系统代理配置。技术层面替换GSON为Jackson库,调整JVM环境预处理逻辑,更新依赖项及多语言翻译。此版本还包含针对各平台的安装包校验信息,并感谢新贡献者@sschuberth的参与。
更新内容 (中文)
更新内容 (原始)
What’s Changed
What’s New 🎉
- Expert settings during vault creation (for now, custom shortening threshold) (#1209, #2266, #2987)
- Proper tray menu support on Linux with AppIndicator integration (#2142, #2587, #2885), kudos to @purejava
- AArch64 build for AppImage (#3102)
- Update reminder (#2984, #2998)
- Error dialog, which now points users to a solution, if one exists in the error database (#2953, #3039, #3052, #3060)
- Replaced “Add Vault” selection screen by dropdown menu (#3082)
- New macOS app icon (#2517)
What’s Fixed 🐛
- Added more error handling during unlock with custom mount path (#3001)
- Added specific error screen for occupied drive letters on Windows (#2309, #2961, #2981, #2985), kudos to @sschuberth
- Added unauthorized message if a Hub vault is archived (#3051)
- Fixed file replacement with long filenames (#3021)
- Fixed delayed app shutdown on Linux (#3020)
- Ensured settings storage in the user’s AppData directory on Windows (#2838)
- Optimized mount process during unlock on Windows (#2996)
- Main window now resets position if out of display bounds (#3003, #3017), kudos to @Rexbas
- Main window now activates from the tray upon selecting “Show” (#3079, #3080), kudos to @purejava
- Update check and Hub unlock now uses configured system proxy (#2989)
- Update check has a new URL (#3038)
Other Changes 📎
- Replaced GSON with Jackson (#2974)
- Preprocess JVM properties at app start to adjust to system environment (#2957, #2982)
- Switched to Temurin JVM and Gluon FX JMODs from Zulu JVM+FX for macOS builds (#3030, #3033)
- Used stricter execution policy when patching
in Windows installer (#1929) - Updated dependencies (#3073, #3081, #3089, #3097)
- Updated translations (#2945, #3071)
New Contributors
- @sschuberth made their first contribution in #2961
As usual, the GPG signatures can be checked using our public key 5811 7AFA 1F85 B3EE C154 677D 615D 449F E6E6 A235
Full Changelog:
📜 List of closed issues is available here
💾 SHA-256 checksums of release artifacts:
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00aeb1fe2faef608e44ac65ad1bc706bdbb7baba1bbba287656222c13f69f388 .\cryptomator-1.10.0-x86_64.AppImage
3901db7a56c62340d853c5f9601db6543d07ddd03175e98653238d82f49e9543 .\Cryptomator-1.10.0-arm64.dmg
86c59b5a8ac2088810b23f62f609715b1558b497934be61c64425347176db942 .\Cryptomator-1.10.0-x64.dmg
f923c2dbe1d0d88dd3e8cc050414ef94f12a38aeca7c564c3a46543f8e55967d .\Cryptomator-1.10.0-x64.exe
f81ae343dccd925881366727b26931b1a3323ae309dca32c24c6967db5a60ea2 .\Cryptomator-1.10.0-x64.msi
- cryptomator-1.10.0-aarch64.AppImage
- cryptomator-1.10.0-aarch64.AppImage.asc
- cryptomator-1.10.0-aarch64.AppImage.zsync
- cryptomator-1.10.0-aarch64.AppImage.zsync.asc
- Cryptomator-1.10.0-arm64.dmg
- Cryptomator-1.10.0-arm64.dmg.asc
- Cryptomator-1.10.0-x64.dmg
- Cryptomator-1.10.0-x64.dmg.asc
- Cryptomator-1.10.0-x64.exe
- Cryptomator-1.10.0-x64.exe.asc
- Cryptomator-1.10.0-x64.msi
- Cryptomator-1.10.0-x64.msi.asc
- cryptomator-1.10.0-x86_64.AppImage
- cryptomator-1.10.0-x86_64.AppImage.asc
- cryptomator-1.10.0-x86_64.AppImage.zsync
- cryptomator-1.10.0-x86_64.AppImage.zsync.asc
- cryptomator-1.10.0.tar.gz.asc
- cryptomator_1.10.0-0ppa1_amd64.deb
- cryptomator_1.10.0-0ppa1_amd64.deb.asc