helm v3.13.1 版本更新介绍
发布日期: 2023-10-12
版本号: v3.13.1
Helm v3.13.1 是一个补丁版本,建议用户升级以获得最佳体验。该版本修复了包括值导入优先级问题、注册表匿名拉取错误、默认ServiceAccount配置等多项问题,并更新了依赖项。支持 macOS(amd64/arm64)、Linux(amd64/arm/arm64/i386/ppc64le/s390x)和 Windows(amd64)等多平台下载,各版本均提供校验和。社区推荐通过 Kubernetes Slack 参与讨论,每周四可通过 Zoom 参加开发者会议,并通过 ArtifactHub 贡献图表。后续计划于2023年11月8日发布3.13.2补丁版本,2024年1月17日发布3.14.0功能版本。安装可通过官方脚本或查阅快速入门指南完成,升级说明详见安装文档。
更新内容 (中文)
Helm v3.13.1 是一个补丁版本。建议用户升级以获得最佳体验。建议用户升级以获得最佳体验。
- 加入 Kubernetes Slack 的讨论:
- 提问或随意交流
- 讨论 PR、代码和 Bug
- 参与公共开发者会议:太平洋时间每周四 9:30 通过 Zoom
- 测试、调试并贡献 Chart:ArtifactHub/数据包
下载 Helm v3.13.1。常见平台二进制文件如下:
- MacOS amd64 (校验值 / e207e009b931162b0383b463c333a2792355200e91dbcf167c97c150e9f5fedb)
- MacOS arm64 (校验值 / 46596d6d2d9aa545eb74f40684858fac0841df373ca760af1259d3493161d8c9)
- Linux amd64 (校验值 / 98c363564d00afd0cc3088e8f830f2a0eeb5f28755b3d8c48df89866374a1ed0)
- Linux arm (校验值 / a9c188c1a79d2eb1721aece7c4e7cfcd56fa76d1e37bd7c9c05d3969bb0499b4)
- Linux arm64 (校验值 / 8c4a0777218b266a7b977394aaf0e9cef30ed2df6e742d683e523d75508d6efe)
- Linux i386 (校验值 / 384e1f97b6dafad62ccdd856e9453b68143e4dbdc7b9cf9a2a2f79c2aa7c2cc9)
- Linux ppc64le (校验值 / f0d4ae95b4db25d03ced987e30d424564bd4727af6a4a0b7fca41f14203306fb)
- Linux s390x (校验值 / b657b72b34f568527093dede148ae72fcbc1f2e67d3fd6f2ffa1095637fbddb6)
- Windows amd64 (校验值 / 6e16fbc5e50a5841be2dc725e790234f09aa2a5ebe289493c90f65ecae7b156f)
此版本使用密钥 672C 657B E06B 4B30 969C 4A57 4614 49C2 5E36 B98E
签名,可在 @mattfarina 的 Keybase 账户 找到。请使用附带的签名通过 gpg
快速入门指南 将引导您开始使用。有关升级说明或详细安装指南,请查看安装指南。您也可以在支持 bash
- 3.13.2 为补丁版本,将于 2023 年 11 月 8 日发布
- 3.14.0 是下一个功能版本,将于 2024 年 1 月 17 日发布
- 修复值导入的优先级问题 3547a4b5bf5edb5478ce352e18858d8a552a4110 (Matt Farina)
- 为发布 GitHub Action 添加缺失的 with 子句 6f9ad87ce76183ee4f04c567828d0d1c48fcc162 (Ian Zink)
- 修复默认 ServiceAccount 的 YAML 配置 bae7b3293c4c8ce2561874cf93ebae56d490b2f6 (Lars Zimmermann)
- 修复(registry):取消错误吞并 06e4fb10a66ea984d555905702775aab639f8790 (Hidde Beydals)
- 移除 prepareUpgrade 过程中的冗余输出 0e7ec78e56834fff65fe21e6a715601d7dfa5f5a (b4nks)
- 修复(registry):解决匿名拉取问题 0ac78941abfed981a47f263fa59931e9123f73a1 (Hidde Beydals)
- 修复发布 Action 中缺失的 run 声明 09012691de50da37254d1ef98d97333c4a3e35c5 (Ian Zink)
- 将最新版本写入 get.helm.sh 存储桶 6101393668f05c081e8be568d33bd82a1b66076a (Ian Zink)
- 依赖更新:升级 oras.land/oras-go 从 1.2.3 到 1.2.4 c99a8acfdd0c8ad57a9f5dfd2b5da6ed8ca7e7df (dependabot[bot])
- 增加版本信息键名最大长度限制 52a029dcde7562d1d652a5b2c841c92c25145f15 (abrarcv170)
- 依赖更新:升级 golang.org/x/text 从 0.11.0 到 0.13.0 ff8e61d2cd67cfa24753605aa5b8ce79ea6c89a3 (dependabot[bot])
更新内容 (原始)
Helm v3.13.1 is a patch release. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.
The community keeps growing, and we’d love to see you there!
- Join the discussion in Kubernetes Slack:
- for questions and just to hang out
- for discussing PRs, code, and bugs
- Hang out at the Public Developer Call: Thursday, 9:30 Pacific via Zoom
- Test, debug, and contribute charts: ArtifactHub/packages
Installation and Upgrading
Download Helm v3.13.1. The common platform binaries are here:
- MacOS amd64 (checksum / e207e009b931162b0383b463c333a2792355200e91dbcf167c97c150e9f5fedb)
- MacOS arm64 (checksum / 46596d6d2d9aa545eb74f40684858fac0841df373ca760af1259d3493161d8c9)
- Linux amd64 (checksum / 98c363564d00afd0cc3088e8f830f2a0eeb5f28755b3d8c48df89866374a1ed0)
- Linux arm (checksum / a9c188c1a79d2eb1721aece7c4e7cfcd56fa76d1e37bd7c9c05d3969bb0499b4)
- Linux arm64 (checksum / 8c4a0777218b266a7b977394aaf0e9cef30ed2df6e742d683e523d75508d6efe)
- Linux i386 (checksum / 384e1f97b6dafad62ccdd856e9453b68143e4dbdc7b9cf9a2a2f79c2aa7c2cc9)
- Linux ppc64le (checksum / f0d4ae95b4db25d03ced987e30d424564bd4727af6a4a0b7fca41f14203306fb)
- Linux s390x (checksum / b657b72b34f568527093dede148ae72fcbc1f2e67d3fd6f2ffa1095637fbddb6)
- Windows amd64 (checksum / 6e16fbc5e50a5841be2dc725e790234f09aa2a5ebe289493c90f65ecae7b156f)
This release was signed with 672C 657B E06B 4B30 969C 4A57 4614 49C2 5E36 B98E
and can be found at @mattfarina keybase account. Please use the attached signatures for verifying this release using gpg
The Quickstart Guide will get you going from there. For upgrade instructions or detailed installation notes, check the install guide. You can also use a script to install on any system with bash
What’s Next
- 3.13.2 is a patch release and will be on November 08, 2023.
- 3.14.0 is the next feature release and be on January 17, 2024.
- Fixing precedence issue with the import of values. 3547a4b5bf5edb5478ce352e18858d8a552a4110 (Matt Farina)
- Add missing with clause to release gh action 6f9ad87ce76183ee4f04c567828d0d1c48fcc162 (Ian Zink)
- FIX Default ServiceAccount yaml bae7b3293c4c8ce2561874cf93ebae56d490b2f6 (Lars Zimmermann)
- fix(registry): unswallow error 06e4fb10a66ea984d555905702775aab639f8790 (Hidde Beydals)
- remove useless print during prepareUpgrade 0e7ec78e56834fff65fe21e6a715601d7dfa5f5a (b4nks)
- fix(registry): address anonymous pull issue 0ac78941abfed981a47f263fa59931e9123f73a1 (Hidde Beydals)
- Fix missing run statement on release action 09012691de50da37254d1ef98d97333c4a3e35c5 (Ian Zink)
- Write latest version to get.helm.sh bucket 6101393668f05c081e8be568d33bd82a1b66076a (Ian Zink)
- chore(deps): bump oras.land/oras-go from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 c99a8acfdd0c8ad57a9f5dfd2b5da6ed8ca7e7df (dependabot[bot])
- Increased release information key name max length. 52a029dcde7562d1d652a5b2c841c92c25145f15 (abrarcv170)
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/text from 0.11.0 to 0.13.0 ff8e61d2cd67cfa24753605aa5b8ce79ea6c89a3 (dependabot[bot])
- helm-v3.13.1-darwin-amd64.tar.gz.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-darwin-amd64.tar.gz.sha256.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-darwin-amd64.tar.gz.sha256sum.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-darwin-arm64.tar.gz.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-darwin-arm64.tar.gz.sha256.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-darwin-arm64.tar.gz.sha256sum.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-386.tar.gz.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-386.tar.gz.sha256.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-386.tar.gz.sha256sum.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256sum.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-arm.tar.gz.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-arm.tar.gz.sha256.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-arm.tar.gz.sha256sum.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-arm64.tar.gz.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256sum.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz.sha256.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz.sha256sum.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-s390x.tar.gz.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-s390x.tar.gz.sha256.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-linux-s390x.tar.gz.sha256sum.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-windows-amd64.zip.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-windows-amd64.zip.sha256.asc
- helm-v3.13.1-windows-amd64.zip.sha256sum.asc